Sunday, May 2, 2010

I love Giraffe!!

Wooot! Went out with Junyang yesterday to watch

Ip Man 2

I'll definately rate it 9/10. It's very touching in a way. But now i want to watch Iron Man 2. Jun Yang said Ip Man was better but both is AWESOME! There's so many movies i want to watch but i dont think i've got a chance to anymore. Exams are by the corner. Left 2 weeks and all i cant say if i'm ready at all. I cant fail any subjects this time. Not even moral otherwise all my stuff will be confiscated.

Yesterday's outing was fun though it was super tiring. Shoped with Junyang for his shoe, my shirts and presents. Oh oh, btw! I'm now having the urge over


I've got myself a giraffe strap! It's so cute!!! Hahaha, and Junyang dont say i'm childish/L.O.A of whatsoever! Cause Giraffe's are so so cute! hahahaha. I'm looking for a giraffe handphone hanger now. Wooo! :D

Well that's all people! Goodnight! Offffffffffff to study! -.- Bye now.

Signing off siewman
Watching WALLE!

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