Saturday, March 5, 2011

I love Him


Hello darlings! Haha, just got back from Sean's birthday party and it was AWESOME! We had 2 rounds of singging. Only those who went would understand. We <3 you SEAN WONG RYUI ZHEN! You're a great friend because you showed up when i'm in the deepest trouble. You borrowed me your shoulder when i needed one to lean on. (: <3 You!

They well, the rest of the crowd went for second round of drinking session while me, little miss goody had to go home as i had my own curfew. (Just got set up by mom)! Having curfew is Chow Ji ANNOYING! Because i cant nvr enjoy more then just half way there. You get me?

Haha, anyhow.. My mom rearranged my room while i'm out. It was.. messy in a look but she said according to HER fung sui, it's better to sleep that way. So.. according to her, i'm forced to sleep differently now. Haha. But 1 sweet and Si Beh cute thing is, she bought me this!

It was surppose to be even cuter, but my photography too noob. It made the Kawaiii stickers turns out ugly. -.- Well, more updates till i come to blog/online again! Anyohaseiyo!

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