Tuesday, April 1, 2008

APRIL FOOL DAYS~ tralalalalla~


owh look...
on you shirt..
its dat a spot of shit?
today is 1st of april yo...
i had fun fooling around with xing xing...
and as usual enjoying da happiness being with xing n keith in class..
we had a fool with keith today~
he is soooo easy to fool..
we told me dat he hate him..
and asked him to get lost and soo on~
and he reli belived us..
he begged and said thousands x of sorry..
and i ignored..
*ahhh i'm such a cold hearted girl..*

and and and...
i got fooled by my boyfren...
kok ping...
and i really go and believe wad he said... -.-
and yesterday he told me about da april fool day..
ish ish..
silly me..
wanna know wad he fooled me?
he said a girl name brenda *his "date" for i.u (eeeee got so frustrated man!!!)* lyk him back..
and he told me it jz happened to be.....
thn i totally shock and stuned thr luking at him...
and in my mind lyk...
"PLS PLS PLS dun tell dat u guys cpl..."
and finally i got my voice bek..
and shouted a WHAT?!
and he said...
APRILFOOL~ [hahahahah reli funny] -.-
he reli got me into it man! hahahax
i got fooled my zhen bon too.. =.=
and i fooled XING~~~
owh owh....
i got fooled by keith too~
its was awesomely~ FUN man today~
and abit of sad things happened to my fren and her boyfriend...
i din know they could end up this way~
she nvr been emo b4..
nvr in my life seen her being this way till today~
i can see she's reli sad..
and she almost wanted to cry when i asked her why~
i cant believed it dat..
she did emo~

when you realize someone you love...
you should make him/her happy~
not sad...
guys who make a girl cried..
wasnt a gud guy after all~
and girl who make a guy's heart broken..
she wasnt a gud gal too~

things should be clear b4 making a move...
not after...
it could hurt alot...
words from someone you love can murder~
things from someone you love can kills~

love hav no ending~
gotta go anyway~*holy shit... dun cha emo~!!! haha*
kay la..
gotta teman my baby boy~

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