Tuesday, May 13, 2008

day of speechless has come

empty minded

erm. hi? ok. i've been really weird today. got really ntg to say.... i dont know how to explain it, but just really weird. i felt so~ good girl today. felt like i've change. i dunno! its like.... got really good girl, as in the way i speak, erm, didnt felt like crapping n gossiping, and i actually wanted someone to accompany for the day to pass. time flies when exam's here. but not for today. i got a watch from chin ling *took it from him*... all awhile i were looking, peeping and observing the watch.. *yea this sound really stupid, but yes! i actually did* hoping that time can pass faster alil.

whole time, after answering the question. i got really empty in mind. felt like emo'ing, and at the same time, i wanted someone to make me laugh. =X i know its weird... but i just seem to be like dat today. i recess at the library. yes almost everyday i'm thr. thn almost late to get back in class. ate a few bite from zainal's crunchy! YEA! that was a awesome snack! =D

owh well.. seems like i got nothing to say.. better get off and get ready for tomorrow's geografii!! =) bye now! owh btw, i wasnt emo. and hell no i'm not sad. i'm just feeling empty today.. :)

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